India baits US while Pakistan tells Trump, ‘There’s nothing like free lunch’

(External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj meets US Special Representative on Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad, New Delhi, January 10, 2019) Breaking a prolonged period of several months, the Pakistani allegation of Indian involvement in terrorist attacks has surged. This appears during the first detailed media briefing by the Pakistani authorities in Karachi on January 13 on the …

Gadkari sets benchmark for Modi-era diplomacy

(Minister of Shipping & Transport Nitin Gadkari receiving Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, New Delhi, January 8, 2019) If the ‘Newton Effect’ in physics has an equivalent in international diplomacy, we can describe what is happening to India-Iran relations as the ‘Gadkari Effect’. Like in the case of the 18th century English scientist Isaac …

Why India should pay attention to US-Turkey spat over S-400

Such a lot of nonsense was dished out by the American lobbyists through the past year to the effect that Washington was straining at the leash to punish India for buying the S-400 ABM system. This phobia was carefully planted in the Indian discourses by American think tankers. The most celebrated instance was of the …

Germany, France struggle with resurgent Russia

A German-French joint statement on Friday regarding Ukraine condemned Russia and demanded the immediate release of the sailors detained following the so-called Kerch incident in November. Moscow hit back in equally strong language summarily rejecting the Franco-German demand. The Franco-German motivation in provoking Russia remains unclear. Maybe, a combination of circumstances would be at play. …